When we were kids, we had the opportunity to laugh at the likes of "The 3 Stooges" or "Abbott and Costello", or Well Done cartoons, like "Loony Tunes" with Elmer Fudd and Daffy Duck...we laughed at their silliness and their foolishness. Today...we have the Democratic Party to provide our laughs and giggles and they provide many. The Democrats are like a saddle without a cinch, worthless, and they don't understand why they keep falling off the horse. Their platforms and policies are ridiculous and against the majority of people's wants in this Country...but they keep falling off the horse. Cursing and simple-minded videos, holding up "auction" signs at the president's speech, a Black Texas Congressman waiving a gold-handled cane and shouting at the president and then...when the House of Representatives voted on Thursday morning to censure Congressman Al Green, the Democrats broke the House rules and sang, "We Shall Overcome"...the Democrats are a 3-ring circus! They have NO leadership, and those that pretend to be leaders like AOC, Hakeem Jeffries or a very loud and abrasive black woman Jasmine Crockett, are nothing more than rodeo clowns about to be run over by a bull...Come On BULL!! After their despicable, contemptable demonstration in the People's House on Tuesday evening, it should be clear to any and all that these Democrats are best suited for cleaning up horse poop at the parade's conclusion.
God Bless
Zeb Bell
Don't forget Dr-History.com! Exciting episodes of the old West!!
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Our Pledge
of Allegiance:
I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all.
Dear Lord: Please Bless and heal this land with your grace and power.
Help us to realize YOU are in charge as you were, as you are
now and like
you'll be in the future. Forgive us for "straying off the trail" of what's
and what's wrong and help us to appreciate what you've blessed us with,
the greatest Country in the world...America!
In Jesus Name.....Amen
Please read Proverbs Chapter 21 Verse 29.
Read it and cherish it!
The way things were - are the way things ought to be!
(Copyright Zeb Bell)
Adios Buckaroos and Buckarettes!
God Bless and Fly the Flag!!
Zeb Bell
P. S. If you enjoy our Newsletter, be sure to forward a copy to your friends and
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8 to 11 a.m. on KBAR Radio 1230 AM on the dial, or live on the internet at
Be sure to check out archives of the show on the website
or Zeb's
Rumble channel at https://rumble.com/user/zebattheranch or for older archives, his
YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg_Ef72F7DI33Qu9vyfbkpg.
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